¿Cómo influye el sol a nuestra piel?

How does the sun influence our skin?

How does the sun influence our skin?

Sunlight is essential for our health and well-being. Vitamin D is generated by our body when exposed to the sun and is a necessary nutrient for health. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D is very beneficial and essential for bone and dental health, the nervous, muscular and immune systems.

The natural light-dark cycle in synchrony with circadian rhythms is a process that must be taken into account for the health and well-being of living beings.

Additionally, sun exposure helps regulate our internal clock (circadian rhythm), which improves our sleep and mood.

The sun, however, constantly emanates a form of energy known as electromagnetic radiation, a term that may sound somewhat complicated, but you probably already know some of its types: UVA and UVB ultraviolet rays. These are invisible to the human eye and are the ones that have the most serious impact on the skin (burns, spots and wrinkles).

What is photoaging and how does it affect our skin?

Photoaging, as the name suggests, refers to the skin aging process that is accelerated by exposure to UV light from the sun. The prefix “photo-” refers to light, and it is precisely solar radiation that causes the appearance of signs of premature aging on the skin, such as sun spots and fine wrinkles.

Causes of photoaging

Photoaging is a process that occurs as a result of skin exposure to UV radiation. This radiation is divided into two types, UVA rays and UVB rays, which affect different layers of the skin. UVA rays mainly affect the superficial layers of the skin, which can lead to tanning, but also to signs of premature aging such as wrinkles. On the other hand, UVB rays penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and can cause burns and cancer.

The main causes are prolonged exposure to the sun and lack of adequate sun protection. Other factors that may increase the risk of photoaging include age, genetics, smoking, and environmental pollution. It's important to keep in mind that everyone's skin is different, and some skin types may be more susceptible to sun damage than others.

How to prevent photoaging?

At Brudy Cosmetics we use Algatrium AL, our star ingredient and one of the main reasons why our cosmetic products are so effective for facial and skin care.

Algatrium AL is a completely natural marine ingredient, obtained from microalgae and enriched with DHA.

Research over several years has shown that Algatrium AL has great capacity as a cellular antioxidant. This means that it can help improve signs of cellular oxidation that occur due to free radicals, exposure to solar radiation and the skin aging process itself.

Oxidative stress generated by free radicals and other environmental factors can cause cell damage, inflammation, and premature skin aging. However, the DHA present in Algatrium AL has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help combat this process. This protects skin cells and reduces the appearance of wrinkles, spots and other signs of aging on the face and skin.

In short, Algatrium AL is a completely natural and highly effective ingredient that protects the skin against the effects of photoaging. Research supports its effectiveness and the presence of DHA in its composition makes it a highly beneficial ingredient for maintaining the health and youthful appearance of the skin.

At Brudy Cosmetics we are committed to natural cosmetics and constant innovation. That is why our creams and products for facial and skin care have quality nutrients and ingredients that are beneficial for our face and body.

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